1.1.................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H0001DE1), as follows:
1.3Page 3, after line 17, insert:
1.4 "
Subd. 4. Citizenship. To be eligible for health coverage under the children's health
1.5security program, children must be citizens of the United States and must provide proof
1.6of United States citizenship in the form of a passport, birth certificate, or naturalization
1.8Page 3, line 18, delete "
Subd. 4." and insert "
Subd. 5."
1.9Page 3, line 24, delete "
Subd. 5." and insert "
Subd. 6."
1.10Page 3, line 31, delete "
Subd. 6." and insert "
Subd. 7."